This is a new weekly feature our Head of Service, Heather Powell has created in which every Friday, there will be “Co-operative Teacher Member of the Week.”
For our first edition, we are delighted to announce that our Drum tutor and Asset Manager, Matty Roberts has picked up the award!
A class teacher within a Denbighshire school has shared the following words about Matty’s excellent teaching!
“We just wanted to tell you how wonderful Matty had been with our pupils. It has been wonderful to hear the progress that our students are making with him and to see how keen all of them are to attend their lessons. In some cases, the lessons are having a positive impact on the attainment and behaviour around the school as self esteem is being boosted. He is an absolute natural in the way he builds the relationships with his pupils.”
Well done, Matty!
Mae hon yn nodwedd wythnosol newydd y mae ein Pennaeth Gwasanaeth, Heather Powell wedi’i chreu, lle bob dydd Gwener, bydd “Athro Gydweithredol yr Wythnos.”
Ar gyfer ein rhifyn cyntaf, rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi bod ein tiwtor drymiau a’n Rheolwr Asedau, Matty Roberts wedi cipio’r wobr!
Mae’r athro dosbarth mewn ysgol yn Sir Ddinbych wedi rhannu’r geiriau canlynol am addysgu rhagorol Matty!
“Roedden ni eisiau dweud wrthych chi pa mor wych oedd Matty wedi bod gyda’n disgyblion. Mae wedi bod yn wych clywed y cynnydd y mae ein myfyrwyr yn ei wneud gydag ef a gweld pa mor awyddus yw pob un ohonynt i fynychu eu gwersi. Mewn rhai achosion, mae’r gwersi’n cael effaith gadarnhaol ar gyrhaeddiad ac ymddygiad o amgylch yr ysgol gan fod hunan-barch yn cael ei hybu. Mae’n hollol naturiol yn y ffordd y mae’n adeiladu’r berthynas gyda’i ddisgyblion.”
Da iawn Matty!
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