Schools Out For Summer!

Friday 20th July, 2018

What a long year it has been! All the excitement of moving offices, welcoming 8 new members, starting 3 new ensembles, expanding to another county, performing at over 25 concerts, winning 3 national awards, competing at various music competitions, hosting 8 music exam sessions, joining AIMS and hosting our Christmas party, Member Training Day and the DMC Gala Concert – is all enough for one year.

We hope all of our pupils (and members) have a fantastic summer break, and we look forward to starting it all again in September! Meanwhile we will be working hard in preparation for this years Music Mania – a fantastic week long summer school held in Myddelton College, Denbigh; Monday 20th August to Friday 24th August. There a limited places remaining on this years course, so be sure to apply online to avoid disappointment.

For further information regarding Music Mania, or any other queries; please contact our office on:

See you all in September!