End of Summer

Monday 3rd September, 2018

The 6 weeks are almost over and what a summer break it has been! Although the weather has not always been so reliable this summer, we hope your practising has been. While we hope you have all had lots of rest and fun, it is important to keep on top of everything you have worked on with your tutors and in your ensembles over summer.

Lessons will be starting back in the next couple of weeks; and all of our tutors have been working hard over summer preparing for a new academic year.

A reminder to all parents: it’s not too late to apply for your child to have music lessons in their school. For more information on music lessons, or to book your childs place; please contact your Childs School (for Primary Schools) / Head of Music (for Secondary Schools) or contact our office on 01745 813542. Alternatively, you can e-mail us on: note@denbighshiremusic.com